Hold Your Own

Easier said than done. How many times per day does the world fall apart and come back together, and yet we are still here? So, in that spirit, it can be said that we’ve got what it takes. 

But how do we navigate the whole range of things that come up for us daily? 

In working with people, I always feel that calling to emphasize on the fact that it comes in the small things, in the consistent steps and in starting back up, as many times as you have to during the day, the hour, the minute, and the moment. 

It is also important to identify the things that work for us. What helps us? 

We often underestimate and even disregard the little things. For example, opening our eyes and giving thanks, listening to a good tune to start off our day or while in the car, our coffee, tea, oatmeal, lemon water, or whatever it may be that we take as we begin another day. A good morning from our significant other, roommate or pet. If there is no one to greet us, then the greetings we can give can start at the grocery store or wherever we make our first pit stop. 

I am a firm believer that things will always fire at us but, it is the way we approach those things that makes all the difference. 

May you find ways to hold your own, to romanticize your daily life, and know… you can hold your own! 

To joy and inner peace and until next time,



About Vicky- 

Vicky is a Mental Health Coach, writer, and full-time seeker of all things joy and inner peace. As a holistic practitioner, she walks alongside her clients in the process of healing and inner growth. Her passion: helping people shift perspectives, instill self-care practices, and integrating a mind, body and spirit approach to our mundane lives. She is a regular contributing writer for Portfolio and the author of these mindful posts in the Swell Life. We are so lucky to have Vicky as part of our Portfolio girl gang and we hope her words of wisdom will inspire you too!

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