The Dance

Lately, it’s been a lot about 2 steps forward one step back in areas where I might sometimes feel I should have already crossed over to the other side. In these moments, I remind myself of what I hold true and dear as life tenants and philosophies to live by.

Personally, I have certain things that need to be present, like trust… the process, life, that I am held, that I’ve got what it takes, that things are where they need to be. Commitment… I simply know consistency is key to everything, so for me it’s simple; if it supports my process, it has to get done. But what about when we struggle with embodying our values? Lately, my struggle has been patience. I don’t know what is in the water, or if there are planets out of alignment, or what but, I’ve been frustrated that things simply are not on my clock.

Today came the reminder. I don’t know who needs to read this, but nothing is on our clock, we don’t get to control that as much as we think we do. Everything is in perfect and divine order and not one leaf is left out of this symphony. Us, well, we are here for the dance, that beautiful give and take between what our minds rush us towards and what our souls know to be true. So, here we are, and our duty is to enjoy what is right now… that’s all! That is the practice. 

To joy & inner peace,



About Vicky- 

Vicky is a Mental Health Coach, writer, and full-time seeker of all things joy and inner peace. As a holistic practitioner, she walks alongside her clients in the process of healing and inner growth. Her passion: helping people shift perspectives, instill self-care practices, and integrating a mind, body and spirit approach to our mundane lives. She is a regular contributing writer for Portfolio and the author of these mindful posts in the Swell Life. We are so lucky to have Vicky as part of our Portfolio girl gang and we hope her words of wisdom will inspire you too!

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