March Madness 

Happy Spring… I think! Is ‘spring fever’ really a thing? If so, I think I am infected! Symptoms include spending lots of time outdoors, beach walks, boating, and dreaming of summer vacations! Does anyone else feel like this?  

Our season is in full swing here on the Treasure Coast with tons of traffic, horn honking (just wave and say hi) and no parking anywhere. It’s a great thing but it also makes us crave the “off-season” that made us all fall in love with this little coastal community.  

Our March/April issue should arrive from the printer any day and we can’t wait to get our hands on it. It screams springtime. Our featured artist, Maisie Kane, truly captures the world of imagination and nature in her work. We can’t wait to show you! For now, be sure to read our digital version until you can get your hands on the printed one.  

Mark your calendars for March 16th so you can join us at American Icon for our next launch party. We plan to host it outside on the “green” as long as the weather cooperates. If weather is an issue, we’ll be upstairs getting shamrocked! Either way, we hope you’ll get your green on and rock out with music from some of the guys from East Harbor. If you miss it, you might be green with envy.  

Sea you soon! 


Written by Penny Tranchilla // Photography by Maisie Kane


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