Move to be Moved


Ever heard the saying, “if you don’t like where you are, move, you are not a tree.” Move to be moved, to see what comes up, to expand, and to evolve. Move the body, the mind, the soul. 

Move your body to help that energy pulse through the whole self, to charge all those spaces that go unthought of, to connect all the channels, to feel. Walking, running, stretching, dancing (preferably under the rain, for an adventure). 

Move your mind by seeking and finding that which sparks curiosity, exploration, and growth. Read something you would not usually pick up. Paint. Yes, even if you are horrible at it. This allows you to be open to ideas that you wouldn’t consider otherwise. It could very possibly change your perspective.

Move your soul by connecting to your inner self. Breathe deeply, sit with your thoughts, cultivate self-awareness, practice self-compassion, become more of you. Connect, too, with those that make you smile from within, that feel like a warm hug, a safe space, and sunshine.

When you set yourself in motion from within, inevitably the outer follows. Allow the heart to lead and the path shall clear, even if at the beginning it doesn’t seem so. From one soul to another, with hope this shines some light to you. 

To joy and inner peace and until next time,



About Vicky- 

Vicky is a Mental Health Coach, writer, and full-time seeker of all things joy and inner peace. As a holistic practitioner, she walks alongside her clients in the process of healing and inner growth. Her passion: helping people shift perspectives, instill self-care practices, and integrating a mind, body and spirit approach to our mundane lives. She is a regular contributing writer for Portfolio and the author of these mindful posts in the Swell Life. We are so lucky to have Vicky as part of our Portfolio girl gang and we hope her words of wisdom will inspire you too!

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