Mindfulness Musings

With everything that is going on in the world right now, the last thing people want to hear is to go inward. I don’t know if it’s as humans, we are naturally inclined to seek danger that we perceive poses a threat to us. Or, we struggle to remove our focus because of our need for certainty or control. Who knows, really?  

Now, I get it, I do. There is a lot going on right now. There always is, and frankly, there always will be. We cannot control any of it. The only thing we can control is the way we perceive and react to things. From this premise then, is why it’s of vital importance that we go inward.  

It is no longer the time for us to be relying on the outer world to feel well, at peace, or at ease. We must become our own energy source. We must rely on our faith, our truth, what speaks to us, what resonates within us, and what we perceive to be in alignment with our true self and live from here. Here, being the center of yourself... the seat of your soul.  

When we exercise this muscle, breathe into it, regulate it, tap into it, and we take a moment to listen… we know, all is well, and all will be. Yes, there is certainly a lot going on in the world, but if we cannot sit with ourselves and our inner chaos, what makes us think we can fix the world’s problems too? 

May we start here, where we are, with what we have. 

To joy and inner peace and until next time,



About Vicky- 

Vicky is a Mental Health Coach, writer, and full-time seeker of all things joy and inner peace. As a holistic practitioner, she walks alongside her clients in the process of healing and inner growth. Her passion: helping people shift perspectives, instill self-care practices, and integrating a mind, body and spirit approach to our mundane lives. She is a regular contributing writer for Portfolio and the author of these mindful posts in the Swell Life. We are so lucky to have Vicky as part of our Portfolio girl gang and we hope her words of wisdom will inspire you too!

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