Choose the Highest Wavelength


Seek the light… what lights you up that is. Drop what is not meant for you.

Life is meant to be well-lived. I honestly repeat this every day all the time, but, genuinely, we forget. Remember that how we feel and what we create of our lives is the most important thing. Foster that which ignites you. If not that, then what? What would you do more of if nothing else mattered? Do more of that. It’s really that simple.

Since we are at it and Spring is on our radar, ridding ourselves of that which pales our experience is equally essential. Cleansing yourself of what is not meant for you should be done often and rigorously. After all, your energy is one of the most important, if not the most important, things you possess. It is vital that you pour it into the things, people, and moments that are fully deserving and worth it.

Choose the highest wavelength. Curate your life. Procure what is meant for you, always.

To joy & inner peace and until next time,


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About Vicky- 

Vicky has a graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Florida International University. Three years ago, she discovered the power of holistic therapy and became a certified medical instructor. Now, she provides virtual life coaching and mentoring through SOULFULLY: Inner Work and Meditation. She is a regular contributing writer for Portfolio and the author of these mindful posts in The Swell Life. We are so lucky to have Vicky as part of our Portfolio girl gang and we hope her words of wisdom will inspire you too!

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