May: Begin Anew


I read a phrase today that truly stuck with me. Great transformations need a beginning. May has recently begun and it was only quite serendipitous to think about this new month as a new opportunity. A new beginning. 

It also reminded me of how as humans we tend to procrastinate a lot. We put things off for lack of motivation, low confidence, the unknown, or anything that helps us hold on to the past even if it no longer sustains us.  Resistance. Oh, dreadful and agonizing, resistance. Only to find ourselves, having to begin somewhere.

Let your beginning be small if it has to. Minimal if it must, but let it begin. After all, one of the great lessons in life is that in small changes and consistent actions, we see epic transformations happen.

May the month of May be bountiful, lush and abundant.

To joy & inner peace and until next time,


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About Vicky- 

Vicky has a graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Florida International University. Three years ago, she discovered the power of holistic therapy and became a certified medical instructor. Now, she provides virtual life coaching and mentoring through SOULFULLY: Inner Work and Meditation. She is a regular contributing writer for Portfolio and the author of these mindful posts in The Swell Life. We are so lucky to have Vicky as part of our Portfolio girl gang and we hope her words of wisdom will inspire you too!

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