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The Trees Don’t Judge

The trees wave

Welcoming me

Standing tall

Firmly rooted

Strong foundations

I tell them my troubles

Lean on them for support

I feel safe

Beneath their outstretched limbs

Their wisdom is vast

Shared silently, viscerally

I feel it in my soul

A knowing, soothing presence

I always leave the forest

Better than I entered

Everyone needs a TFF, in my opinion, like a BFF (best friend forever), but it’s your TREE friend forever. I know this probably sounds woo woo, but hear me out!

You already have a wonderful reciprocal relationship with trees, whether you pay much attention to it or not. They emit the oxygen you breathe, and you exhale the carbon dioxide that they need. Trees sequester carbon, so consider for a moment that they can also hold space for us, bearing witness without judgement. The next time you have a deep question, a conundrum, or you simply need a confidant to share with, try talking to a tree. 

Perhaps you already have a special tree in your life - one that holds a special place in your heart, one that grows on a piece of land you’re fond of, or one you’re simply drawn to. Try to spend at least 30 minutes a week with your TFF. It can be broken into smaller increments if need be. You can lean against your tree, lay underneath it, or sit far enough away where you can admire it completely. You might even try hugging your TFF… whatever feels right to you.

Tree hugs and kisses!

- Kelly


Kelly Bruce is a writer, freelance adventurer and mermaid at heart. Her career path has included journalism, marketing and communications, but her true passion is spending time in nature and inspiring people to get outside. Now, she provides nature and forest therapy walks in the Smoky Mountains of Western North Carolina, as well as virtual forest bathing workshops through Natural Wanders. She’s a copy editor and contributing writer for Portfolio, as well as our new Wander Wednesday blogger. We love having Kelly as part of our Portfolio girl gang and we hope her content will inspire you, naturally!

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Written by Kelly Bruce, Natural Wanders / Photography by @zailaffitte

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