It's Your Time To Shine! 6 Steps To Living Your Best Life

Remember when you were a kid with big ideas and big dreams about who you wanted to be when you grew up? You were going to be a famous painter, musician, or singer. Maybe a doctor or an astronaut. You were going to be wealthy and travel the world. You were going to be a big deal. Yet, you look around your life now and think, “What happened?” 
Every one of us had big dreams at some point. We start off chasing those dreams with excitement and fervor, knowing nothing can stop us. It becomes the backpack of rocket fuel that helps us keep our heads in the clouds. Over time, we find that those big dreams get heavier, like suitcases and trunks full of rocks that are weighing us down instead of lifting us up. Our big dreams become annoying luggage we trip over because it’s in our way instead of helping us arrive where we’ve always wanted to be. 
In case you've been waiting for a sign to release what's weighing you down, turn off the latest binge-worthy show, and get back to dreaming, here it is. This is your moment! 
I’ve made a handy-dandy list of 6 steps to get everything you’ve ever wanted. 
 1.  Start dreaming again. Find a comfy chair and take some time to think about everything you’ve always wanted to be, do, and have. As you’re dreaming, start making a list. Nothing is too big or too expensive or even impossible. So, go BIG! 
 2.  Decide what you really want. Make a list of everything you are a full “yes” for doing. Then, ask yourself WHY you want it. Keep asking yourself why until you get to the real answer. Make sure you really want it and it’s not just because someone else has it. 
 3.  Write it down as if it has already happened. Instead of “I want X” say “I have X.” This lets the Universe know you are serious. Think of a date in the future and write yourself a list or a note about all that has happened up to that point. Make it juicy and fun. 
 4.  Create a “vision board.” Grab some markers and  colored paper, create a Pinterest board, or grab magazines & scissors to get more creative. You’ll want to post this somewhere you’ll see it every day. It can be a checklist or imagery. There’s no wrong way to do this. Make it your own style. 
 5.  Work on it every single day. Once you have the vision board posted, get moving. Start with little steps like leaving the house to go for a walk instead of sitting on the couch. Or looking for a new job on LinkedIn. Or calling a friend to meet for coffee and brainstorm. The more momentum you can generate, the more it’ll carry you through. 
 6.  Watch your dreams come true. Every time you find yourself one step closer to your dream, take a moment to celebrate. Every time you celebrate, you remind the Universe that you are all in. And every time the Universe picks up on this energy, the more it wants to give you. Keep going and don’t stop until you have everything you’ve ever dreamed of. 
It’s up to YOU to have the life you’ve always wanted. Drop the heavy luggage and strap on the backpack of rocket fuel again. I can’t wait to see your head back in the clouds.


 Melanie Spring -

Melanie Spring is a dynamic international keynote speaker, leadership development expert, and speaker trainer who works with entrepreneurs, business leaders, and CEOs. Melanie & her husband have made Vero Beach their home and when they're not traveling to host retreats, you'll catch them on the boardwalk watching the sunrise over the ocean.

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